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Customers queuing to enter a scare maze at Luna Springs in Digbeth.

Halloween Scare Maze at Luna Springs

Are you feeling brave? For Halloween 2024 we're bringing back our famous Scare Maze and Scare Maze Brunches.

People waiting to enter the Scaremaze at Luna Springs Digbeth

Three women standing in front of a neon wings sign smiling

A marquee with red lighting and long bench seating with customers enjoying drinks

Barman pouring a cocktail into a glass at Luna Springs in Digbeth, Birmingham.

Scary looking characters in costume in a Scaremaze.

Prepare yourself for an adrenaline-fuelled journey through this twisted maze of terror. Each corner you turn will bring you face-to-face with the horrors that lurk within the abandoned facility. The sound of distant alarms, eerie whispers, and the faint hum of malfunctioning equipment will send shivers down your spine...

Dare to enter the realm of terror?

Select a date below to find out more and book!

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